There are many things I’ve learned over the years I’ve been on this earth. One of them is that it is not necessary to be perfect. In fact, I’m far from perfect in the worlds eyes, but at the same time, from the eyes of Jesus, I’m perfect. Perfectly Imperfect!
For many years I felt inadequate and self conscience. This resulted in me feeling the need to try to be perfect, to avoid at all cost making a mistake. You can guess that I’m not perfect right? But the need to feel perfect led me to worry about what other’s thought of me. And as a result I hated it when I made a mistake! Anybody else like this?
But as my relationship with Jesus grew I realized that the most important person I wanted to please was Him. And if He could love me just as I was, flaws and all, then I didn’t need to worry about what other’s felt. However, I will share with you, that although logically I knew this fact (and believed it), emotionally it was hard not to worry about what others thought of me. And people, well people were “judgy”, It’s disappointing to say, even people that I loved and who loved me were judgy. Crud, I was “judgy”!
Then I got lucky, right about the time I felt the worst about my life, I found a group of women that were committed to becoming emotionally healthy, growing and sharing the struggles they worked through. They demonstrated unconditional acceptance. There was no judgy, no gossip, and no condemnation and it was such a refreshing feeling. They helped me to realize that it was ok to be the real me, not the self conscience, I’m worried about what you think me, me.
I was able share all the “embarrassing” feelings and stupid stuff I’d done and they loved me (and others) right on through it. That is a freeing feeling! It’s empowering! They demonstrated in real life what’ Jesus was trying to show me. That it was ok to be a little broken. It’s one of my goals to be and act toward others in this way, but again….it’s a work in progress because…hey, guess what…imperfect, right?
So with that said….
I’m going to be a little blunt here with some encouragement that is much needed in today’s world.
- Stop judging people, It’s not your job!
- We are all perfectly imperfect in the eyes of Jesus.
- Act like Jesus, Love People where they are. Don’t be “judgy”
- Accept yourself & others for who they are because nobody’s perfect. (except Jesus of course)
- Be you, You’re great.
- And lastly, always remember, Jesus loves you exactly where you are, there’s no need to be perfect…in fact he died …for you….and me. That blood He shed…that’s what makes us perfect, nothing else. So you when mistakes…I hope you can find some personal freedom knowing…It’s ok
When I’m feeling a little “less than”, it helps me to think on 2 Corinthians 12:9 ~ My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. This verse reminds me that my strength comes from Him, and my weakness is made perfect in His power not mine. Maybe it will help you too.
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